Project Date
demo 28 Mar 2022, 21:09

Feature Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Feature Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
at/htl/beeyond/integration/namespace/namespace-assign.feature 170 0 0 0 0 170 17 0 17 0.679 Passed
Feature at/htl/beeyond/integration/namespace/namespace-assign.feature
Namespace assigning endpoint
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.001
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.021
Tags: @teacher
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.020
Then status 204 0.000
And path 'beeyond' 0.000
When method GET 0.016
Then status 200 0.000
And match response.namespace == 'beeyond' 0.001
And match response.users == '#[1]' 0.002
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.000
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.010
Tags: @teacher
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.015
Then status 204 0.000
And path 'beeyond' 0.000
When method GET 0.008
Then status 200 0.000
And match response.namespace == 'beeyond' 0.000
And match response.users == '#[2]' 0.001
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.000
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.008
Tags: @teacher
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.022
Then status 204 0.000
And path 'beeyond' 0.000
When method GET 0.010
Then status 200 0.000
And match response.namespace == 'beeyond' 0.000
And match response.users == '#[3]' 0.001
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.000
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.008
Tags: @teacher
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "bééyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.013
Then status 422 0.000
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.000
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.007
Tags: @teacher
* def generateString = read('classpath:string-generator.js') 0.003
Given request 0.005
  "namespace": #(generateString()),
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.011
Then status 422 0.000
And match response[0].message == 'This field needs to be between 1 and 253 characters' 0.001
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.000
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.008
Tags: @teacher
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "marc",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.014
Then status 422 0.000
And match response[0].message == 'Not a valid namespace name' 0.000
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.004
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.008
Tags: @teacher
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.011
Then status 422 0.000
And match response[0].message == 'User with name [test] does not exist' 0.008
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.000
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.008
Tags: @teacher
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "emina",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.011
Then status 422 0.000
And match response[0].message == 'Not a valid namespace name' 0.000
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.000
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.010
Tags: @teacher
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.012
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.016
And path 'beeyond' 0.000
When method GET 0.008
Then status 200 0.000
And match response.namespace == 'beeyond' 0.000
And match response.users == '#[2]' 0.000
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.000
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.007
Tags: @teacher
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.013
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.016
And path 'beeyond' 0.000
When method GET 0.008
Then status 200 0.000
And match response.namespace == 'beeyond' 0.000
And match response.users == '#[2]' 0.000
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.000
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.009
Tags: @teacher
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.013
And path 'beeyond' 0.000
When method GET 0.009
Then status 200 0.000
And match response.namespace == 'beeyond' 0.000
And match response.users == '#[1]' 0.000
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.000
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.008
Tags: @teacher
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "emina",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.028
Then status 422 0.000
And match response[0].message == 'Not a valid namespace name' 0.000
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.000
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.007
Tags: @teacher
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.014
Then status 204 0.000
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.013
Then status 204 0.000
And path 'beeyond' 0.000
When method GET 0.019
Then status 200 0.000
And match response.namespace == 'beeyond' 0.000
And match response.users == '#[1]' 0.000
And match response.users[0].name == 'marc' 0.000
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.003
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.008
Tags: @teacher
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.014
Then status 204 0.000
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": []
When method PUT 0.014
Then status 204 0.000
And path 'beeyond' 0.000
When method GET 0.007
Then status 200 0.000
And response.deleted == true 0.002
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.000
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.007
Tags: @teacher
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.012
Then status 204 0.000
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.010
Then status 204 0.000
And path 'beeyond' 0.000
When method GET 0.007
Then status 200 0.000
And match response.namespace == 'beeyond' 0.000
And match response.users == '#[2]' 0.000
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.000
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.010
Tags: @teacher
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.018
Then status 204 0.000
Given request 0.000
  "namespace": "beeyond",
  "users": [
When method PUT 0.015
Then status 204 0.000
And path 'beeyond' 0.000
When method GET 0.014
Then status 200 0.000
And match response.namespace == 'beeyond' 0.000
And match response.users == '#[2]' 0.000
And match response.users contains { 'name': 'moritz', 'id': #number } 0.000
And match response.users contains { 'name': 'stuetz', 'id': #number } 0.000
* url baseUrl + '/namespace' 0.000
* configure headers = { Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))' } 0.002
* call read('insert-user.js') 0.018