Project Date
demo 29 Mar 2022, 10:04

Feature Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Feature Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
at/htl/beeyond/integration/application/application-start.feature 363 0 0 0 0 363 7 0 7 5.040 Passed
Feature at/htl/beeyond/integration/application/application-start.feature
Start application endpoint
* url baseUrl 0.000
* path 'application' 0.002
* def insertApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-application.feature') 0.002
* def insertApplicationResponse = call insertApplication 0.109
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-application.feature 0.000
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * path 'application/custom' 0.000
> * def nginxDeployment = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/nginx-deployment.yml.txt') 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
> Given request 0.000
  "note": "Nginx Deployment",
  "content": "#(nginxDeployment)",
  "namespace": "stuetz",
  "class": "5AHIF",
  "to": "18.01.2022",
  "purpose": "SYP"
> When method POST 0.027
> Then status 201 0.000
> Given url responseHeaders['Location'][0] 0.000
> When method GET 0.072
> Then def application = response 0.000
* def application = insertApplicationResponse.application 0.001
* def insertRunningApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-student-application.feature') 0.002
* def insertRunningApplicationResponse = call insertRunningApplication 0.038
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-student-application.feature 0.000
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * path 'application/custom' 0.000
> * def nginxDeployment = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/nginx-deployment.yml.txt') 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
> Given request 0.000
  "note": "Nginx Deployment",
  "content": "#(nginxDeployment)",
  "namespace": "moritz",
  "class": "5AHIF",
  "to": "26.02.2023",
  "purpose": "SYP"
> When method POST 0.019
> Then status 201 0.000
> Given url responseHeaders['Location'][0] 0.000
> When method GET 0.012
> Then def runningApplication = response 0.000
* def id = 0.000
* def approveApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/approve-student-application.feature') 0.003
* call approveApplication {id: '#(id)'} 0.602
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/approve-student-application.feature 0.000
  "id": 10
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.010
> Given path 'application/approve/'+id 0.001
> When method PATCH 0.582
> Then status 200 0.000
* def stopApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/stop-student-application.feature') 0.004
* call stopApplication {id: '#(id)'} 0.156
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/stop-student-application.feature 0.000
  "id": 10
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.006
> Given path 'application/stop/'+id 0.004
> When method PATCH 0.139
> Then status 200 0.000
* configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
Tags: @teacher
Given path 'approve/' 0.001
When method PATCH 0.063
Given path 'application', 'stop/' 0.001
When method PATCH 0.062
Given path 'application', 'start/' 0.001
When method PATCH 0.046
Then status 200 0.000
* url baseUrl 0.000
* path 'application' 0.000
* def insertApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-application.feature') 0.001
* def insertApplicationResponse = call insertApplication 0.051
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-application.feature 0.000
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * path 'application/custom' 0.000
> * def nginxDeployment = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/nginx-deployment.yml.txt') 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
> Given request 0.000
  "note": "Nginx Deployment",
  "content": "#(nginxDeployment)",
  "namespace": "stuetz",
  "class": "5AHIF",
  "to": "18.01.2022",
  "purpose": "SYP"
> When method POST 0.028
> Then status 201 0.000
> Given url responseHeaders['Location'][0] 0.000
> When method GET 0.015
> Then def application = response 0.000
* def application = insertApplicationResponse.application 0.000
* def insertRunningApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-student-application.feature') 0.001
* def insertRunningApplicationResponse = call insertRunningApplication 0.057
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-student-application.feature 0.000
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * path 'application/custom' 0.000
> * def nginxDeployment = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/nginx-deployment.yml.txt') 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
> Given request 0.000
  "note": "Nginx Deployment",
  "content": "#(nginxDeployment)",
  "namespace": "moritz",
  "class": "5AHIF",
  "to": "26.02.2023",
  "purpose": "SYP"
> When method POST 0.033
> Then status 201 0.000
> Given url responseHeaders['Location'][0] 0.000
> When method GET 0.015
> Then def runningApplication = response 0.000
* def id = 0.000
* def approveApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/approve-student-application.feature') 0.001
* call approveApplication {id: '#(id)'} 0.109
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/approve-student-application.feature 0.000
  "id": 12
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
> Given path 'application/approve/'+id 0.000
> When method PATCH 0.104
> Then status 200 0.000
* def stopApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/stop-student-application.feature') 0.001
* call stopApplication {id: '#(id)'} 0.075
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/stop-student-application.feature 0.000
  "id": 12
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.004
> Given path 'application/stop/'+id 0.000
> When method PATCH 0.065
> Then status 200 0.000
* configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
Tags: @teacher
Given path 'start/100' 0.000
When method PATCH 0.012
Then status 404 0.000
* url baseUrl 0.000
* path 'application' 0.000
* def insertApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-application.feature') 0.001
* def insertApplicationResponse = call insertApplication 0.064
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-application.feature 0.000
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * path 'application/custom' 0.000
> * def nginxDeployment = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/nginx-deployment.yml.txt') 0.001
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
> Given request 0.000
  "note": "Nginx Deployment",
  "content": "#(nginxDeployment)",
  "namespace": "stuetz",
  "class": "5AHIF",
  "to": "18.01.2022",
  "purpose": "SYP"
> When method POST 0.025
> Then status 201 0.000
> Given url responseHeaders['Location'][0] 0.000
> When method GET 0.022
> Then def application = response 0.000
* def application = insertApplicationResponse.application 0.000
* def insertRunningApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-student-application.feature') 0.001
* def insertRunningApplicationResponse = call insertRunningApplication 0.052
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-student-application.feature 0.000
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * path 'application/custom' 0.000
> * def nginxDeployment = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/nginx-deployment.yml.txt') 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
> Given request 0.000
  "note": "Nginx Deployment",
  "content": "#(nginxDeployment)",
  "namespace": "moritz",
  "class": "5AHIF",
  "to": "26.02.2023",
  "purpose": "SYP"
> When method POST 0.028
> Then status 201 0.000
> Given url responseHeaders['Location'][0] 0.000
> When method GET 0.015
> Then def runningApplication = response 0.000
* def id = 0.000
* def approveApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/approve-student-application.feature') 0.001
* call approveApplication {id: '#(id)'} 0.038
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/approve-student-application.feature 0.000
  "id": 14
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.000
> Given path 'application/approve/'+id 0.000
> When method PATCH 0.033
> Then status 200 0.000
* def stopApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/stop-student-application.feature') 0.001
* call stopApplication {id: '#(id)'} 0.036
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/stop-student-application.feature 0.000
  "id": 14
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.000
> Given path 'application/stop/'+id 0.000
> When method PATCH 0.031
> Then status 200 0.000
* configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
Tags: @teacher
Given path 'start/' 0.000
When method PATCH 0.011
Then status 422 0.000
And match response == 'Application is not in state STOPPED' 0.000
* url baseUrl 0.000
* path 'application' 0.000
* def insertApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-application.feature') 0.001
* def insertApplicationResponse = call insertApplication 0.071
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-application.feature 0.000
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * path 'application/custom' 0.000
> * def nginxDeployment = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/nginx-deployment.yml.txt') 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.014
> Given request 0.000
  "note": "Nginx Deployment",
  "content": "#(nginxDeployment)",
  "namespace": "stuetz",
  "class": "5AHIF",
  "to": "18.01.2022",
  "purpose": "SYP"
> When method POST 0.021
> Then status 201 0.000
> Given url responseHeaders['Location'][0] 0.000
> When method GET 0.016
> Then def application = response 0.000
* def application = insertApplicationResponse.application 0.000
* def insertRunningApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-student-application.feature') 0.001
* def insertRunningApplicationResponse = call insertRunningApplication 0.044
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-student-application.feature 0.000
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * path 'application/custom' 0.000
> * def nginxDeployment = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/nginx-deployment.yml.txt') 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
> Given request 0.000
  "note": "Nginx Deployment",
  "content": "#(nginxDeployment)",
  "namespace": "moritz",
  "class": "5AHIF",
  "to": "26.02.2023",
  "purpose": "SYP"
> When method POST 0.029
> Then status 201 0.000
> Given url responseHeaders['Location'][0] 0.000
> When method GET 0.009
> Then def runningApplication = response 0.000
* def id = 0.000
* def approveApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/approve-student-application.feature') 0.001
* call approveApplication {id: '#(id)'} 0.034
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/approve-student-application.feature 0.000
  "id": 16
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.000
> Given path 'application/approve/'+id 0.000
> When method PATCH 0.029
> Then status 200 0.000
* def stopApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/stop-student-application.feature') 0.001
* call stopApplication {id: '#(id)'} 0.098
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/stop-student-application.feature 0.000
  "id": 16
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
> Given path 'application/stop/'+id 0.000
> When method PATCH 0.092
> Then status 200 0.000
* configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
Tags: @teacher
Given path 'deny/' 0.000
When method PATCH 0.006
Given path 'application', 'start/' 0.000
When method PATCH 0.016
Then status 422 0.000
And match response == 'Application is not in state STOPPED' 0.000
* url baseUrl 0.000
* path 'application' 0.000
* def insertApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-application.feature') 0.004
* def insertApplicationResponse = call insertApplication 0.043
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-application.feature 0.000
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * path 'application/custom' 0.000
> * def nginxDeployment = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/nginx-deployment.yml.txt') 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.000
> Given request 0.000
  "note": "Nginx Deployment",
  "content": "#(nginxDeployment)",
  "namespace": "stuetz",
  "class": "5AHIF",
  "to": "18.01.2022",
  "purpose": "SYP"
> When method POST 0.021
> Then status 201 0.000
> Given url responseHeaders['Location'][0] 0.000
> When method GET 0.011
> Then def application = response 0.000
* def application = insertApplicationResponse.application 0.000
* def insertRunningApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-student-application.feature') 0.001
* def insertRunningApplicationResponse = call insertRunningApplication 0.039
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-student-application.feature 0.000
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * path 'application/custom' 0.000
> * def nginxDeployment = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/nginx-deployment.yml.txt') 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.000
> Given request 0.000
  "note": "Nginx Deployment",
  "content": "#(nginxDeployment)",
  "namespace": "moritz",
  "class": "5AHIF",
  "to": "26.02.2023",
  "purpose": "SYP"
> When method POST 0.024
> Then status 201 0.000
> Given url responseHeaders['Location'][0] 0.000
> When method GET 0.008
> Then def runningApplication = response 0.000
* def id = 0.000
* def approveApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/approve-student-application.feature') 0.000
* call approveApplication {id: '#(id)'} 0.046
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/approve-student-application.feature 0.000
  "id": 18
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
> Given path 'application/approve/'+id 0.000
> When method PATCH 0.041
> Then status 200 0.000
* def stopApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/stop-student-application.feature') 0.000
* call stopApplication {id: '#(id)'} 0.112
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/stop-student-application.feature 0.000
  "id": 18
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.000
> Given path 'application/stop/'+id 0.000
> When method PATCH 0.108
> Then status 200 0.000
* configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
Tags: @teacher
Given path 'approve/' 0.000
When method PATCH 0.066
Given path 'application','finish/' 0.001
When method PATCH 0.086
Given path 'application', 'start/' 0.000
When method PATCH 0.012
Then status 422 0.000
And match response == 'Application is not in state STOPPED' 0.000
* url baseUrl 0.000
* path 'application' 0.000
* def insertApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-application.feature') 0.001
* def insertApplicationResponse = call insertApplication 0.046
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-application.feature 0.000
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * path 'application/custom' 0.000
> * def nginxDeployment = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/nginx-deployment.yml.txt') 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.000
> Given request 0.000
  "note": "Nginx Deployment",
  "content": "#(nginxDeployment)",
  "namespace": "stuetz",
  "class": "5AHIF",
  "to": "18.01.2022",
  "purpose": "SYP"
> When method POST 0.024
> Then status 201 0.000
> Given url responseHeaders['Location'][0] 0.000
> When method GET 0.014
> Then def application = response 0.000
* def application = insertApplicationResponse.application 0.000
* def insertRunningApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-student-application.feature') 0.001
* def insertRunningApplicationResponse = call insertRunningApplication 0.043
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-student-application.feature 0.000
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * path 'application/custom' 0.000
> * def nginxDeployment = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/nginx-deployment.yml.txt') 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
> Given request 0.000
  "note": "Nginx Deployment",
  "content": "#(nginxDeployment)",
  "namespace": "moritz",
  "class": "5AHIF",
  "to": "26.02.2023",
  "purpose": "SYP"
> When method POST 0.024
> Then status 201 0.000
> Given url responseHeaders['Location'][0] 0.000
> When method GET 0.013
> Then def runningApplication = response 0.000
* def id = 0.000
* def approveApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/approve-student-application.feature') 0.000
* call approveApplication {id: '#(id)'} 0.047
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/approve-student-application.feature 0.000
  "id": 20
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
> Given path 'application/approve/'+id 0.000
> When method PATCH 0.042
> Then status 200 0.000
* def stopApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/stop-student-application.feature') 0.001
* call stopApplication {id: '#(id)'} 0.053
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/stop-student-application.feature 0.000
  "id": 20
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.000
> Given path 'application/stop/'+id 0.000
> When method PATCH 0.048
> Then status 200 0.000
* configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.000
Tags: @student
Given path 'start/' 0.000
When method PATCH 0.009
Then status 403 0.000
* url baseUrl 0.000
* path 'application' 0.000
* def insertApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-application.feature') 0.001
* def insertApplicationResponse = call insertApplication 0.054
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-application.feature 0.000
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * path 'application/custom' 0.000
> * def nginxDeployment = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/nginx-deployment.yml.txt') 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.001
> Given request 0.000
  "note": "Nginx Deployment",
  "content": "#(nginxDeployment)",
  "namespace": "stuetz",
  "class": "5AHIF",
  "to": "18.01.2022",
  "purpose": "SYP"
> When method POST 0.026
> Then status 201 0.000
> Given url responseHeaders['Location'][0] 0.000
> When method GET 0.019
> Then def application = response 0.000
* def application = insertApplicationResponse.application 0.000
* def insertRunningApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-student-application.feature') 0.001
* def insertRunningApplicationResponse = call insertRunningApplication 0.049
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/create-student-application.feature 0.000
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * path 'application/custom' 0.000
> * def nginxDeployment = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/nginx-deployment.yml.txt') 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.000
> Given request 0.000
  "note": "Nginx Deployment",
  "content": "#(nginxDeployment)",
  "namespace": "moritz",
  "class": "5AHIF",
  "to": "26.02.2023",
  "purpose": "SYP"
> When method POST 0.024
> Then status 201 0.000
> Given url responseHeaders['Location'][0] 0.000
> When method GET 0.019
> Then def runningApplication = response 0.000
* def id = 0.000
* def approveApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/approve-student-application.feature') 0.001
* call approveApplication {id: '#(id)'} 0.094
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/approve-student-application.feature 0.000
  "id": 22
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.000
> Given path 'application/approve/'+id 0.000
> When method PATCH 0.088
> Then status 200 0.000
* def stopApplication = read('classpath:at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/stop-student-application.feature') 0.001
* call stopApplication {id: '#(id)'} 0.055
at/htl/beeyond/integration/util/stop-student-application.feature 0.000
  "id": 22
> * url baseUrl 0.000
> * configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.000
> Given path 'application/stop/'+id 0.000
> When method PATCH 0.049
> Then status 200 0.000
* configure headers = {Authorization: '#(auth(karate.tags))'} 0.000
Tags: @student
Given path 'start/'+id 0.000
When method PATCH 0.073
Then status 200 0.000